A FLICKER FROM THE EMBERS 389 The reverse shows a design of Faith, at whose feet are the cardinalitial hat and kingly crown, and who turns from the Lion to the Cross; with the legend: NOT BY THE DESIRES OF MEN BUT BY THE WlLL OF GOD. At the same time was struck a touch-piece, for dis- tribution among the few loyal English who had not bowed the knee to Hanoverian Baal, and for curing those afflicted with struma or king's evil; an occult power which died with this last Stewart. The obverse bears a design of a frigate with the legend: HENRY THE NINTH, OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE AND IRELAND, KING, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, CARDINAL- BISHOP OF TUSCULUM. The reverse shows St. Michael Archangel overcoming the Dragon, with the legend: To GOD ALONE BE GLORY. And that was all,—an enduring record, carven in peren- nial bronze, that the King's Majesty had come to the inheritance of his ancestors. He believed in his Divine Right, the right implied in his existence, his existence by the Sanction of Him by Whom kings do reign; and he simply affirmed his Right, waiting for his people to recog- nize him as their lawful sovereign, to do their part as he had done his. Could anything be more superbly, more con- temptuously kingly than {his distinction of the parts of sovereign and subject? Cardinal-King Henry IX was happy in his lot, for he had a goodly heritage,—in the Holy Roman Church. Had His Majesty desired, the Supreme Pontiff could have released him from his ecclesiastical estate and obligations by a stroke of the pontifical pen, to enable him to prosecute his indubitable right. But he did not so desire. He had chosen the better part—peace—and